
supervision. [soo-per-vizh-uhn] -noun.

1. the act or function of supervising.

2. a heightened sense of sight often possessed by superheroes. Seahorseman foiled The Urchin’s evil plot by using his supervision.

supervisor. [soo-per-vahy-zer] -noun.

1. a person who supervises workers or the work done by others.

2. a visor worn by crazed individuals who seek superhuman eyesight. With this supervisor equipped I can now take over Nigeria!


Some contend that the recent rise in popularity of the zombie in television and film reflects our subconscious fear of losing our autonomy. Whether or not this is the case, we take comfort in knowing that the zombie is a fictitious being. We remind ourselves that there is no disease transferred through bite that drives the host insane, but this is a lie.

Zombies are real, and the disease is called rabies.

Unit E

“The most important unit? It must be Unit A.”

“I don’t think so, friend, I know it’s Unit B.”

“You both are quite mistaken, the answer’s Unit C.”

“A, B and C? All wrong. The choice is clearly D!”

“Can we just stop all this fighting? After all, the most important thing is Unit E.”