Whether it’s our favorite restaurant, musical group or pastime, we can’t help but coerce our friends into sampling the things that bring us joy. Perhaps it’s a out of genuine concern for their well-being, or maybe the need to validate our own choices, but the harassment won’t stop until they agree to try it. Here are 7 steps to introducing a friend to something new:
- Invite a friend to join you in an activity or event that you enjoy.
- If they don’t agree to join you, offer nourishment or transportation.
- Prior to the activity or event, play it up like it’s the best thing ever.
- Just before it begins, look over at your friend with eyebrows raised in excitement.
- Have a miserable time.
- Using the phrase, “it’s not normally like this,” explain to your disappointed friend how the experience was an anomaly and that it will be much more enjoyable next time.
- Repeat steps 1 to 6 until they concede that your interests are fascinating.