
Everyone has experienced that special connection with another person – the knowledge that you will always be able to count on each other. We call this connection friendship. We use this word to describe our relationship with a person that we consider our friend. But what about that intense sense of brotherhood and trust that develops between teammates, what do we call that? Surely there must be a word that describes the bonds forged in the heat of battle on a hockey rink, basketball court or soccer field. Now there is.

teamship. [teem-ship] -noun.

1. the state of being a member of a team. We are considering her for teamship this year.

2. a feeling shared between team members. The Wolf-Dogs have great teamship.

3. a relation which shares team-like attributes.

If you ever feel like you and your friend just make a great duo, that’s teamship. If your friends know you so well that they can anticipate your actions, that’s teamship. When, without words,  you crouch behind someone while your friend shoves that person so they fall over you, that’s teamship. Take that, Grandma!

So go ahead and try it out. Once this word works its way into your vocabulary you will wonder how you ever got along without it.