The World’s Hardest Multiple Choice Question: Part II

If each question in the following series does not share the same answer as its counterpart in part I, which other question in this series has the same answer as question D?

A. If the answer to this question isn’t B, which other choices are also incorrect?

  • C and D.
  • C and D.
  • A and D.
  • A and B.

B. What is the answer to question C?

  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
  • A.

C. What is the answer to question B?

  • D.
  • C.
  • B.
  • D.

D. Which of the following questions is correctly answered, “There is no correct answer?”

  • What answer would make this question answerable?
  • What answer would make this question unanswerable?
  • If there is a correct answer to this question, what could it be?
  • If there is an incorrect answer to this question, what could it be?
Test your skills further in part III.

The World’s Hardest Multiple Choice Question: Part I

Which of the following questions has the same answer as this question?

A. What is the answer to this question?

  • B.
  • C.
  • C.
  • There is no correct answer.

B.  Which of the following choices represents all of the incorrect answers to this question?

  • A.
  • A, B, C, D.
  • A, B.
  • All of the above.

C. What letter precedes the letter that represents the answer to this question?

  • A.
  • A.
  • D.
  • None of the above.

D. Which of the following choices represents, in order, the correct answers for questions A, B and C?

  • B, B, C.
  • B, D, D.
  • D, C, A.
  • C, D, B.
If this question was not challenging enough, please see part II.