Episode 4: The Menu

After tinkering with sprites, sounds, and text, I now had a ship (which I whipped up in MS Paint) that could be moved around the screen with the keyboard.


It was at this point I realized that my game was missing something. Something that all games have: a menu.

I was excited to use Phaser to make a snazzy retro menu with all kinds of fonts, colors, and animations. But it wasn’t long after I got started on it that I realized it was going to be difficult. Really difficult.

Phaser makes drawing text to the screen a breeze, but a menu is more than just text. There were a number of things I was going to have to figure out for myself, such as:

  • Moving between menu options
  • Executing code when an option is selected
  • Entering or leaving submenus
  • Drawing and redrawing the menu

I was lost. I tried searching the Internet for help, but all I got was hard-coded examples like this:

Which is fine for smaller games, but I wanted the player to be able to change settings, buy items, edit their ship, make missions, and more. If I was to hard-code the menu like the example above, it would mean I’d have a ton of duplicate code, and it would probably break as soon as I changed something.

After pondering the problem and reading a little about data structures, I decided to use a tree of nodes to represent my menu. Here’s how it works:

First we define a node object that stores its name, callback function, and parameters…

Then we create a function that connects one node to another…

I now had two nodes that were connected hierarchically, like a tree. Now I just needed to write some functions to help navigate the tree. I’ll let you imagine how they’re coded.

  • getRoot()
  • getParent()
  • getSiblings()
  • getChildren()

Now I could use code to access the different menu options, which would let the player move from one place in the tree to another. Here’s how it worked:

  1. If we don’t have a current node, set it to the root node
  2. Display parent node (as menu title)
  3. Display siblings nodes (as menu options)
  4. Check for player input
    • If the player moves up, select the previous sibling node
    • If the player moves down, select the next sibling node
    • If the player moves back, select the parent node
    • If the player moves forward, check if the node has a callback
      • If the node has a callback, execute it with the node’s parameters
      • If the node doesn’t have a callback, check if it has children
        • If it does have children, select the first child node
  5. Set the current node to the selected node
  6. Erase the existing nodes from the screen
  7. Go back to step 2

I then added other parameters and functions to the node object so that I could highlight selected nodes, show information about the node, etc. It ended up looking like this:

Zyrian Menu Small

Pretty cool, huh? I was very proud of my menu, but I had no idea that it was going to get a lot more complicated. I’ll talk more about the menu in future episodes when I discuss items, vendors, and the mission maker, but in the next episode I’ll talk about transitioning between the menu and actually playing the game.